Meet our community of writers…

Welcome to our blog, where you’ll get to know the writers who study with us

On Fridays we publish blogposts written by our students, telling the story of their creative writing and of how they came to Writing Room, and sharing extracts of their latest work. If you want to join our online community, head to our main site where you can explore what’s on offer in the way of courses, groups and writer support.

About Writing Room

Writing Room is all about helping you make space for creative writing in your week. In these blogposts you’ll find out how this worked for student writers in our community.

Like them, you can join us live online for small-group writing courses, friendly discussions and quiet work sessions from Monday to Friday in term time. You can check in as often or as little as suits your schedule, finding support and inspiration to become the writer you want to be.

We hope you enjoy getting to know some of our writers and reading their work. If you feel inspired and would like to join us, we’d love to hear from you. Once you’ve taken a couple of options with us, you might like to contribute to our blog and share how making more writing room in your week has been for you! If you have any questions or would like to know more, get in touch at