I am a poet and artist from Egypt. I had the opportunity to work with the children’s author Sita Brahmachari to develop my voice as a poet. Some of my poems were based on my paintings. I am also influenced by songs. I like to make refrains and choruses (half in Arabic and half in English) and I put rhythm to these so that these refrains can be sung. I have performed my poems and sung in numerous places including The Union Chapel, Amnesty International (video), The South Bank and even in the UK Parliament. I am now a member of Writing Room where I have attended classes in poetry with Paul Lyalls, writing children’s fiction with Sita Brahmachari, and Introduction to Creative Writing with Alison Chandler. I’ve also attened some of the drop-in groups and I read my work to an audience at the Writing Room sharing event! I am currently working on a story for teenagers.
Spring Breath – Nasseem Al rabia
And let us love
With every last breath
Heb el hob
Le airkher Nafass
Let’s paint
Feathers of a peacock
Let’s sing
Lovely bright spring
Let’s walk
Away from distress
Let’s see
The peacock’s eye
And let us love
With every last breath
Heb el hob
Le airkher Nafass
Let’s touch
The elegant feathers
Let’s mix
Green, yellow, blue
Let’s feel
The spirit of Spring
And let us love
With every last breath
Heb el hob
Le airkher Nafass
And let us love
With every last breath
Heb el hob
Le airkher Nafass
(Getting quieter to a whisper…)